Sunday, March 14, 2010

1 Month old

I can't believe it's been a month since I last posted....well I guess I can. I have been keeping busy trying to spend as much time with the kids before I go back working. Which is March 25th. I will still be working from home but I know this will mean less time to do alot of the stuff I've been doing now. So my time has been spent as much as I can with them. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to pull it all off but I guess we will see when the time comes.

I've started to get adjusted to life with two little ones. Most my days are spent changing diapers and feeding and trying to fit in a shower or go to the bathroom without having company :) Who wouldn't want this kind of company following your around all day though?

Being a Mom is probably the tuffest job I'll ever have but it's the most rewarding job I'll ever have too. I thought the time went fast when I had Aven but it seems to go twice as fast when you add another one into the mix. I wake up some mornings and think how could a month have gone by so fast?!?!

Berlyn has been such a good baby for me. She loves to eat and loves to sleep.

When she is awake which is not very often she loves for Mommy to talk to her and loves to smile.

She is getting bigger and bigger everyday. I really wish time could freeze still and let me enjoy them being little for longer :( Hopefully I will be able to update a little more often than once a month.


  1. she is beautiful! happy 1 month baby girl!!

  2. She's adorable and Aven is just too cute with that big smile :) You are a great mommy of 2!

  3. She is so beautiful! I can't believe one month already.. although Presley will be 3 months tomorrow :( Is that her tutu.. That picture is amazing!!! looks like you are really enjoying being a mama of 2. xo

  4. She is just precious! Glad to hear all is well! :D

  5. awwwwww I can't wait to see them!!!!! and you:)
