Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day

We had a great Father's day weekend (besides only sleeping a few hours)

I took a few pictures of Aven wearing his Daddy's shirt and tie. If you know Aven you know this wasn't an easy task. Thank God we live near the airport and he loves planes. One flew by right in time and got him excited.

I invited my Mom and Dad over for Father's Day breakfast. I stayed up late making my Dad and Johnny their own place mats and coffee mugs. They better know how much I love them to stay up late on no sleep to make this stuff :)

Berlyn's gift to Dad

Later that day we took a family walk to the park. Aven wanted to walk the dog by himself but it was more like the dog was walking him.

Berlyn and I sat under a shaded tree on a blanket and enjoyed watching Dad and Aven walk around the park.

I wanted to make this day special for my husband cause he is such a wonderful Father. This year has been one of ups and downs for me and going through what I did with Berlyn he stayed so strong for me even when I felt so weak. I love that he is such a hands on Father and loves showing our kids affection. I love that he loves giving Aven his bath every night. I love that he loves to get up in the middle of the night to rock his baby girl to sleep when Mommy has lost her patience. I love that he talks about how he wants to be there when Berlyn picks out her wedding dress one day. I love to hear Aven get excited and yell.."DADDY'S HERE" every evening when the garage door opens up. I love to see Aven walk around in his Dads shoes around the house cause he wants to be just like Daddy.
I am so excited to see the relationship between him and these kids grow each and everyday.
So to my husband, Thank you for being the Father and Husband that you are!!
We all love you!


  1. So sweet and great pics! glad you had a wonderful weekend now go get some sleep :)

  2. Cute post! I love the pic of you on your dads place mat haha. I'm sure thats just the face your dad always remembers not to mention that part where it says fav. daughter!

  3. Brianna, sooo sweet! I love that first picture of Aven, you must frame it!!

  4. I love the pics of Aven in his Daddy's clothes. Such a cute idea :o)

  5. AWWW...How precious!! Love that...
    Thanks for the idea..too I have got to get Z pic in his Dad's clothes...cute...
    Your kids are beautiful!!
    Rhonda :)
