Thursday, July 8, 2010

Two years

Two years! Can't believe I'm even saying that. How only two years can change your life so much!

Two years of your sweet skin.

Two years of your contagious smile,

Two years of your awesome personality,

Two years of your frustrations,

Two years of your tears,

Two years of your friendship,

Two years of watching you grow into this little wonder.

It still feels like yesterday when I heard your first cry and wondered how I ever deserved this. I know I was meant to love you forever. You are growing up so fast and everyday is a joy to watch you grow into your own little self. This year was a year that I will not soon forget. I watched you as you took your first steps. Watched as my belly grew and grew and how you would love to rub my belly and kiss it and say "baby". I watched as you became a big brother and how you embraced your job better than I would have ever dreamed. I was so scared that you would think that I didn't love you the same or would get jealous but you didn' were such a good boy about everything.
Even though you didn't know it at the time but when I got the news of your sister being sick I hit rock bottom, you were always there to make me laugh even in my darkest days. You will never know how much your little smile meant to me.
I know words will never express the depth of love I have for you, but I will spend everyday of my life showing you.
I love you so much my son!


  1. You're a good momma and your children are blessed to have you! Happy BIRTHday to you as well...God is celebrating over you for bringing this life into the world two years ago! :o)


  2. a beautiful sentiment Brianna, I remember when Bridget posted when he was born, then he and Finely in those cute pics...times does fly....

    Enjoy every first born is in her final year of college..I just have moments with her now... :-(

    Much love,


  3. Brianna, too precious and sweet! I love the one shoulder tank top shot in the high chair, and all the crying shots! :D
    You are an awesome mom, and Aven is lucky to have you! Happy Birthday to Aven!!!!!

  4. So sweet. 2 years young happy birthday Aven!

  5. He is blessed to have a great Mommy like you. Happy Birthday Aven :) xoxo

  6. I can't believe its been 2 years since those hot fireman melted your cake at the shower ;) Can't wait to watch Aven grow up,and hopefully one day with my kids too haha. Your such an amazing mom I'm learning sooo much my note pad is getting full:)

  7. How Precious! Happy Birthday to a cute lil man!! God is Good!

    Rhonda :)

  8. Your kids are so cute! I have never noticed that Camden has had any Chest Pain. He was a really fussy infant but he grew out of it eventually! He doesn't seem to have any symptoms that I have recognized from his A S! It sucks to always wonder if they will have symptoms. God Bless you and your family! Oh and if you ever have questions feel free to ask, I may ask some too!

  9. I just got done going through your blog back when you found out about Berlyn's Heart! It is so good to Know that there is someone out there that knows how it feels! All though I would never wish it on anyone! It is amazing how similar our experience were with the day of the Surgery! How hard it was to hand over you seemingly perfect baby to arms that you didn't even know. How you feel like other may think this surgery is minor but to us mom's it is our babies life or death! How it's hard to not feel sad for this Journey that we have been placed on but just how lucky we are that we didn't have to spend months in the Hospital...f! Thank You for sharing everything from amazing Parenting tips and Poems to reality of how we all have struggles even though on blog we want to come across as perfect sometimes! I can just tell what an amazing mom you are to your kids, and that your are an amazing person also!
