So I attempted to have Aven try rice cereal for the first time because he usually seems like he's hungry and never sleeps more than 4-5 hours at night. Let's just say he doesn't like food like his mama.
Berlyn is our little miracle baby from God, born on 2/10/10. At the age of 7 weeks, I took her in to urgent care for an eye infection only to find out something greater. Our tiny miracle came to us with a broken heart. She was diagnosed with severe Aortic Stenosis and was in for surgery only a week later. She has forever changed my life. She is a precious miracle to our family and is such a testimony to the power of prayer and God's graciousness. I want her to one day look back on this journey and see how many people loved her and prayed for her.
What part of give me something good to eat dont you get mom?????
that 3rd picture looks like he's gonna gag. So funny. haha try mixing it with (a little) apple juice
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